Nurse's Notes

Anything about nursing that comes to my mind and have time to write about: articles, sites, organizations, CEU's, informations, tips & tricks, etc.


Employee Injury: My Trip to ER

Last night was a perfect exapmle how employee injuries are handled by management.

1900 - lost car keys.

1815 - car keys are still missing. called work as there might be a possibility that i will be late

1840 - found car keys. off to work

1900 - arrived at parking garage

1902 - slipped awkwardly on the hallway with a puddle of water besdie a cleaning equipment. NO SIGN OF WET FLOOR! i got up immedietely and took one of the floor signs that was sitting at the wall, unfolded it and stood it at the middle of the puddle. one witness.

1904 - at the unit desk. my right wrist ad right hip was hurting. blurted out to charde nurse that i was sorry i was late that my car keys were lost and i slipped on a puddle downstairs.

1905 - charge nurse on the phone with housekeeping and house supervisor. i was trying to get report and get started.

1910 - incident report was filled. my rigt wrist pain is now shooting to my elbow. charge notices my grimacing while typing. also got insultd by a housekeeper asking me why i was not wet if i really did fell on the floor.

1920 - on my way to ER.

1930 - reception desk at ER. my info were being taken by the clerk. id band in place

1945 - called by triage nurse. interrupted by another patient. i gave way to the other patient.

1950 - called by triage nurse again. triage completed. my vs stable. pain level = 2. right wrist slightly swollen

1955 - waiting for a nurse doctor at the reception area. [and im getting bored]

2015 - my unit manager came in and talked to me about the incident. was very sorry about what happened. [i thought she was really sincere]

2040 - called in to the fast track room. [id rather call it "long wait room']

2042 - changed gown [i dont like being on a hospital. its not guess or dkny]

2110 - er doc came in and evaluated me. [nope it wasnt george clooney].

2130 - toradol im given to me. ouch! called mike 7 told him what happened. [i htought the nurse was pretty rude]

2140 - waiting for radiology to do my xrays. marti came down and sked how i was doing. gave her the scenario and then she vehemently denied me coming back to work. oops! rad techs calling me in. [darn, i didnt shave my legs today!]

2155 - talked to marti again in my fast rack room. nope, i definitely am not coming back to the floor to work. charge and supervisor agreed i should go home eventhough they are short of nurses. [i felt really bad at this point]

2230 - er tch checked on me. said doc will be here any minute.

2245 - er doc came. said everything was ok, no broke bones just a few minor sprain and muscle pulled. [i told him that when he firt checked me out]

2300 - splint applied to right wrist. prescription given. ace wrap to right knee. im off ot my floor to get my stuff

2315 - on my way home.

it wasnt fun but at the very least it was handled pretty well by management although i cannot blame er for the time it consumed to check my minor injuries. the housekeeper who earlier insulted me was apologetic when he saw me on the hallway and gave me a hug. i drove home despite a pain shot was dangerous but i was hurt when mike was laguhing at me ont he phone. but he actually came to the hospital to pick me up anyway eventhough i did not call me back to confirm that he was to pick me up.

Posted by nixinne :: 12:50 :: 0 comments

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